Friday, October 10, 2014

Interview Blog

In our everyday lives we use negotiation tactics to create business deals, solve complex problems, and build long lasting relationships. Through effective negotiation we are able to produce positive results, however, before creating those positive results it is important to know how to separate the people from the problem, know how to handle dirty tricks, and know the importance of preparation. Recently, I conducted an interview Mr. Rod Washington who is the Public Relations and Media Coordinator for the City of Monroe. Mr. Rod Washington has many years of experience in marketing and public relations. On an everyday basis Mr. Washington negotiates with the different departments within the City of Monroe, he overseers all of the marketing for the City of Monroe, and he plays an intricate part in developing our annual DeltaFest that the city host every year.
During the interview we discussed different techniques of how to separate the people from the problem. First, it is important to not take things personal because as a negotiator accomplishing the main objective should be your main focus and goal. The second technique that he discussed during the interview is the importance of researching information about the other party. Researching information about the other party will help the negotiator to determine the type of person he or she is negotiating with and it can also helped them to identify the other person's underlying interests. During the interview we talked about different dirty tricks that can occur during a negotiation and he stated that in order to determine whether someone is playing a dirty trick during a negotiation it is essential to research similar deals that are related to your market. He stated in the interview that researching in advance would definitely help a negotiator to know the true value of the deal that is being negotiated. During the interview Mr. Washington stated that in order to reach your objective criteria it is important that the negotiator researches legal information, scientific data, or standard rates for a particular deal. By seeking the proper facts and research for your proposal he mention that people will want to take a chance with the negotiator and build a great partnership that can create new opportunities for all parties that are involved in the negotiation process.
Also, during the interview with Mr. Rod Washington he also gave a few tips for new negotiators in the marketing industry. First, he stated that it is important that one is properly prepared for a negotiation. If one prepares properly before entering a negotiation than the negotiator will receive positive results. Second, it is important to take time to research data about the particular market that you are seeking to negotiate for a particular deal. Third, he stated that learning about the other party and/or entity will give the negotiator an advantage to observe and seek the other parties underlying interests.  The final tip he stated during the interview for new negotiators is the importance of being confident and consisted in your negotiation methods.  In conclusion, it is important to know the techniques of negotiation because it helps the negotiator to be more confident in presenting their proposals to their potential clients.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Raven for your review of negotiations. I really enjoyed your interview with Mr. Rod Washington. The only thing I wish you would have included was the state along with the city of Monroe. I would have liked to do some further research of the demographics. Overall, I think he gave very valuable information about being prepared for negotiations. Since negotiations can take place anywhere andy literally at any time it is fundamental to keep these concepts in mind. Thanks again for the insight.

    Chasite' Palmer
