Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Spoiled Rotten Marketing Review

Spoiled Rotten Marketing is a marketing service for salons and spas that are gearing towards increasing their brand. The company helps their client’s brand by featuring them in Spoiled Rotten Marketing’s spa package. The spa package includes many types of salon and spa services that are ninety percent off the original price. Many customers who have purchased these packages can use them in different salons that are featured in the package.  According to the Spoiled Rotten Marketing website, they have different partnerships with some popular charity organizations, which include: Habitat for Humanity, Give Kids the World, Women Playing for A T.I.M.E., and other charities within the Florida area. According to a recent Million Dollar Cup presentation on Youtube, the company explained that the charities sell their spa packages at their events and in turn Spoiled Rotten Marketing gives the different charities a portion of their revenue. The company has a hundred clients and their business is continuously growing within the central part of Florida.

During the presentation the speaker was very knowledgeable about the brand and what the brand meant to her as a person. She thoroughly explained to the audience the purpose of the company and the reasons as to why the company has been very successful within the last year. The only weakness during the presentation that I notice was the angle of the camera. The angle of the camera was facing the side of the presenter and not the front of the presenter. If an audience member were looking at the presentation on the Internet than they would want to be able to see the presenter up close in front of them. The only thing I would recommend to the company is that if the presentation is going to be recorded on a camera then I think it is important that the cameramen make sure the camera is facing the presenter. I think it is important to make sure the presenter is approachable in person and to the Internet users as well. I also would recommend that they change the business concept just a little and begin seeking salons and spas in south Florida or in other states. I think they should start broadening their business more to other people outside of central Florida. I think by doing this they will see an increase in revenue and their brand will continue to grow popular within their industry.

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