Monday, February 23, 2015

Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution Post

The 87th Academy Awards recently premiered on live television on February 22, 2015. The Academy Awards is a prestigious award show that honors a variety of individuals who have contributed and exemplified quality work through motion pictures and/or documentaries. Millions of viewers witnessed many award winners used their acceptance speech as a platform for social change within our society. According to Huff Post Entertainment, Patricia Arquette courageously spoke of the importance of wage equality for all women in the United States. Other award winners such as John Legend and Common spoke about how the movie, Selma, has played a major role within the civil rights movement and how we as the future generation are constantly seeking justice for all men and women. According to NBC News, it states that John Legend acceptance speech spoke about how we live in a country where we are still confine to bondage. He also stated that there are more black men who are held in prison today than there were during slavery. John Legend also spoke about how the U.S. voting rights is being compromised in today’s society. Many people believe that his speech was phenomenal because it addressed many social and political views that needed to be addressed to millions of people.
One of the most unforgettable speeches at the Academy Awards was Graham Moore’s inspirational speech. Graham Moore won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, “The Imitation Game.” According to MSN News, Graham Moore spoke about attempting to commit suicide and how he felt like he was weird during his teenage years. He spoke about the importance of embracing who you are and not being afraid of being different. Many people were able to relate to his speech in many different ways. In conclusion, this year’s academy awards was definitely a success not because of the show itself, but it was all of the winner’s speeches that made the night a success for the audience and the viewers as well.

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