Wednesday, April 15, 2015

President Election

As we begin to prepare for the next presidential election we begin to see politicians using social media as a tool to enlarge their political campaign. Many believe that the 2016 presidential campaign will be a combination of big data and social media data. According to Forbes, big data which also known as people data, means collecting and analyzing data based on email marketing, mobile messaging, and social media marketing. In the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama was the first presidential candidate to use social media as apart of his marketing campaign. Since President Obama’s successful campaign many candidates have been jumping the bandwagon and using social media to reach out to voters.
Recently, Hilary Clinton announced to the world that she would be running for President in the upcoming 2016 presidential election. According to the Christian Science Monitor, immediately after Hilary Clinton announced her presidency she received 600,000 likes on her Facebook page and 2 million video views. Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, is another example of a politician who used social media to announce their presidency to the world. According to the National Journal Report, Senator Ted Cruz announced his political campaign on Twitter and immediately sparked five million users to interact with each other regarding his upcoming campaign.
Both of these individuals are prime examples of how social media is changing the way we communicate to each other. Social media allows many politicians to reach out to their target market and it also gives them an opportunity to engage with other markets that may be interested in learning more about their political campaign. In conclusion, as we begin to prepare for the upcoming presidential election we are going to see social media becoming the main driving force in determining who will be the next President of the United States.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution Post

The 87th Academy Awards recently premiered on live television on February 22, 2015. The Academy Awards is a prestigious award show that honors a variety of individuals who have contributed and exemplified quality work through motion pictures and/or documentaries. Millions of viewers witnessed many award winners used their acceptance speech as a platform for social change within our society. According to Huff Post Entertainment, Patricia Arquette courageously spoke of the importance of wage equality for all women in the United States. Other award winners such as John Legend and Common spoke about how the movie, Selma, has played a major role within the civil rights movement and how we as the future generation are constantly seeking justice for all men and women. According to NBC News, it states that John Legend acceptance speech spoke about how we live in a country where we are still confine to bondage. He also stated that there are more black men who are held in prison today than there were during slavery. John Legend also spoke about how the U.S. voting rights is being compromised in today’s society. Many people believe that his speech was phenomenal because it addressed many social and political views that needed to be addressed to millions of people.
One of the most unforgettable speeches at the Academy Awards was Graham Moore’s inspirational speech. Graham Moore won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, “The Imitation Game.” According to MSN News, Graham Moore spoke about attempting to commit suicide and how he felt like he was weird during his teenage years. He spoke about the importance of embracing who you are and not being afraid of being different. Many people were able to relate to his speech in many different ways. In conclusion, this year’s academy awards was definitely a success not because of the show itself, but it was all of the winner’s speeches that made the night a success for the audience and the viewers as well.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Social Media Becoming the New Source of Entertainment

Over the years we have seen traditional entertainment which includes radio and television transform through technology. Technology has allowed us to have easier access to television shows, radio, and the news. In today’s society we are now able to view traditional entertainment on our phones, laptops, Ipads, and etc. Because technology is advancing everyday it allows us to have the opportunity to have more access to worldwide information. Many believe that social media will soon become a new form of entertainment for online users.
According to the Econtent magazine, it states that at least more than fifteen million Facebook users download apps on their devices. It also states that many users consider streaming their videos live and playing games on their devices as a source of entertainment for themselves and other Facebook users. Because different content is being uploaded by millions of people on Facebook or other social media sites, social media is now becoming a new source of entertainment. According to the Econtent magazine, most social media sites are becoming a one stop shop for online users because they are able to perform multiple tasks on the social media sites. For example, many people now use Facebook as a source for researching news, learning the latest trends, entertainment, video streaming, shopping, and etc.
 According to the Hollywood Reporter, it states that most users spend up to seven hours a week watching television shows on YouTube. It also states that YouTube users spend up to eight hours listening to music online. The Hollywood Reporter also states that eighty eight percent of Twitter and Facebook users view these social media sites as a new source of entertainment.  According to the YouTube video below, it states that many businesses use social media sites to help market and build their brands especially through video content. In conclusion, the more technology continues to advance the more we will see social media sites becoming the top source for entertainments for online users.