Wednesday, April 15, 2015

President Election

As we begin to prepare for the next presidential election we begin to see politicians using social media as a tool to enlarge their political campaign. Many believe that the 2016 presidential campaign will be a combination of big data and social media data. According to Forbes, big data which also known as people data, means collecting and analyzing data based on email marketing, mobile messaging, and social media marketing. In the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama was the first presidential candidate to use social media as apart of his marketing campaign. Since President Obama’s successful campaign many candidates have been jumping the bandwagon and using social media to reach out to voters.
Recently, Hilary Clinton announced to the world that she would be running for President in the upcoming 2016 presidential election. According to the Christian Science Monitor, immediately after Hilary Clinton announced her presidency she received 600,000 likes on her Facebook page and 2 million video views. Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, is another example of a politician who used social media to announce their presidency to the world. According to the National Journal Report, Senator Ted Cruz announced his political campaign on Twitter and immediately sparked five million users to interact with each other regarding his upcoming campaign.
Both of these individuals are prime examples of how social media is changing the way we communicate to each other. Social media allows many politicians to reach out to their target market and it also gives them an opportunity to engage with other markets that may be interested in learning more about their political campaign. In conclusion, as we begin to prepare for the upcoming presidential election we are going to see social media becoming the main driving force in determining who will be the next President of the United States.