Sunday, January 11, 2015

Social Media Becoming the New Source of Entertainment

Over the years we have seen traditional entertainment which includes radio and television transform through technology. Technology has allowed us to have easier access to television shows, radio, and the news. In today’s society we are now able to view traditional entertainment on our phones, laptops, Ipads, and etc. Because technology is advancing everyday it allows us to have the opportunity to have more access to worldwide information. Many believe that social media will soon become a new form of entertainment for online users.
According to the Econtent magazine, it states that at least more than fifteen million Facebook users download apps on their devices. It also states that many users consider streaming their videos live and playing games on their devices as a source of entertainment for themselves and other Facebook users. Because different content is being uploaded by millions of people on Facebook or other social media sites, social media is now becoming a new source of entertainment. According to the Econtent magazine, most social media sites are becoming a one stop shop for online users because they are able to perform multiple tasks on the social media sites. For example, many people now use Facebook as a source for researching news, learning the latest trends, entertainment, video streaming, shopping, and etc.
 According to the Hollywood Reporter, it states that most users spend up to seven hours a week watching television shows on YouTube. It also states that YouTube users spend up to eight hours listening to music online. The Hollywood Reporter also states that eighty eight percent of Twitter and Facebook users view these social media sites as a new source of entertainment.  According to the YouTube video below, it states that many businesses use social media sites to help market and build their brands especially through video content. In conclusion, the more technology continues to advance the more we will see social media sites becoming the top source for entertainments for online users.